Monday, April 13, 2015

Weekend Wanderings: World's End

This past weekend finally felt like spring had arrived in New England, and I spent Saturday afternoon exploring World's End in Hingham, MA. To my surprise the reservation had a little bit of everything, including: rolling hills (technically, drumlins); rocky shorelines; winding trails; tidal marshes; a view of the Boston skyline; and, some fascinating geology.


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Farewell, Winter!

So, it's been a while...

March flew by and it's already April, which means spring is coming to New England. Mud season will soon be upon us!


Here's a quick recap of the adventures of past several weeks:

- Competed in all 3 Winter Wild races, and finished 2nd in my age group for the entire series! Even convinced my brother to do one with me.

- Spent a long weekend in Vermont skiing Jay peak. My brother and I rented telemark skis for a day, and we even got a powder day in!

- Went back to my college stomping grounds and hiked in Mt. Tom State Reservation. 

- Ran the Eastern States 20 Miler as a long run for my upcoming marathon.


What's on the horizon?

- Easter hike with the family

- Tuckerman Ravine trip

- Maine Coast Marathon

- Planning and organizing an all women summer backpacking series