Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Ultimate TGIF!

This past Friday afternoon, my brother and I headed up to Hampton Beach, NH to SUP (SUP stands for stand up paddle boarding). I brought the my Nikon along, and got some action photos.

Full Moon Paddle

 Possibly my favorite aspect of summertime is that you can have a full day, eat a lazy dinner, have a drink or two on your front porch, and still have sunlight enough for an evening paddle. Especially when it's a full moon and there isn't a cloud in sight.

 Myself and these two goons loaded up and shoved off into the stillness of the river to take advantage of the perfect summer conditions. There really isn't much to say except we throughly enjoyed ourselves. And we may have seen a beaver.

Oh, and we have a supermoon this month! On the next full moon is tomorrow, the 10th, and it will be fullest and also coincidentally at it's closest point to earth. This will make it appear bright orange and larger than normal as it rises and sets; it will be well worth your time to go get a look at it. Maybe from the solitude of a river?
You can't paddle with a masters degree

Come with us!