Sunday morning, Kelly went off to work early, so I had the morning to myself to poke around before meeting her at the mountain for lunch. I walked down through the towering pines to the public beach. The morning sun was filtering through the boughs above chasing away the frost that had come overnight. The lake was surprisingly calm this morning, and small wind-driven waves lapped gently on the shore. Small cairns have been built nearby using rocks from the lakeshore, and with the morning fog and mountains in the distance, there is a mystical quality to the place.
I took a side path that appeared to have the most direct
route to ridge line, and soon came out onto clear section. To the south, the
majority of the lake was visible, its blue depths ringed by snow covered mountains.
Clouds were already beginning to gather in the west, blown by a steady wind and
darkening the sky. After taking in the views, I threw on a layer and retraced my steps back to the car.